Good Morning Band Families,
Congratulations to the students who performed Friday night. You pulled off an amazing performance with so little time to prepare. The crowd was entertained and you should be proud of yourselves. Parents, as the weather gets colder, you can help your son or daughter by bringing in and taking out their coats, hats, blankets, etc. The students are not allowed to carry them in or out, but may use them during time in the stands to stay more comfortable. A reminder that no food or drink, (other than water that we provide) is allowed except during the 3rd quarter.
Tuesday night (tomorrow) is the Belleville Halftime Review and we will be meeting at school at 5:30pm and returning at approximately 9:30pm. Please help your student make arrangements for timely transportation to and from school. We may still need a couple of chaperones to ride the bus (there are complimentary tickets) to and from Belleville. Please contact Rob Levitt or check the website for further information. Join us at Belleville, if you are able, for a great night of area marching band performances!
****ATTENTION!!! Due to the Belleville event Tues, there will be NO WEDNESDAYREHEARSAL this week. We will resume our normal Weds. night schedule Sept. 25!
Our next event is Homecoming, on September 27, which includes a day of festivities, a parade at 5 pm and our usual performance at the game. Any of you who are band alums, come and join the alumni band for 2 songs at halftime!
Please continue to use our new website for further updates on the calendar, uniforms, UM concessions, volunteers, etc.
Have a great week!